The password/link is personal and only the recipient of the password/link email may use the password/link and the Noventia eSourcing Solution as made available to the recipient. The right to use the password/link and solution shall automatically and immediately terminate when the event to which the password/link grants the recipient access has been closed. The recipient of this notice is fully liable for any acts and omissions arising out of or relating to the use of the password/link and solution. The password/link may not be, disclosed, assigned or transferred to any third party and the recipient shall not allow any third party to use the password/link. Noventia Oy reserves all rights, including all intellectual property rights in and to the solution. Noventia Oy disclaims any warranties, express or implied, statutory or otherwise regarding the solution or use thereof. Noventia Oy shall not be liable for any direct or indirect, incidental, consequential or punitive damages, costs or expenses arising out of or relating to the use of the solution, including but not limited any loss of profits, loss of use or loss of data. The eSourcing event utilizes Noventia Oy’s eSourcing Solution. However, Noventia Oy, as a third party service provider, does not take part in the arrangement or execution of the event and is not liable in any way for the event, including but not limited to the event being compliant with any applicable laws and regulations pursuant to which the event is carried out and executed. I give my consent to the storing of my personal data within the system (for EU citizens; GDPR, and for other citizens; other relevant personal data protection laws).
Destia Group companies are committed to processing personal data in a reliable, safe and transparent manner.
Data protection policy – suppliers, subcontractors and other stakeholders
We are guided by strong values and Bouygues Group’s Code of Ethics. It is important to us that Destia employees and management follow our values and comply with the Code of Ethics. In addition, all our contracting parties must commit to the CSR Charter for suppliers and subcontractors.
Supplier agrees to comply with Destia Values and Code of Ethics Bouygues Group's Code of Ethics and Bouygues Group's CSR Supplier agrees to comply also with Destia invoicing instructions
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